Tuesday, 4 November 2014

hello guys!

As we know that every new thing is made by the modification of the older ones. this condition also applies in the case of plants. the plants which were present in the older age / time are less modified and had less ability to cope with the harsh environmental conditions. there leaf, stems, and rhizoides ( root like structures work exactly the roots) are totally different from the plants that exist today. they have nodes and internodes. like psilotum, equsitum etc


Then little modification occurs and the leaves become broad stem soft but rhizoides also exists. they are ferns, or may form a cushion like structure where it is difficult to distinguish between true stem leaf and rhizoide is the mosses.
 Fern                                                                    Moss

Then again due to little change roots developed and bark formation occurs. they are gymnosperms. they are pinus, cycus, thuja etc

 But today existing plant which are dominating on the earth are the Angiosperms. They produce flowers and due to the production of flower they produce  fruit and seeds they are more adapted to the environment.





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