Friday, 28 November 2014



Plant reproduction is the process by which plants generate new individuals, or offspring. Reproduction is either sexual or asexual. Sexual reproduction is the formation of offspring by the fusion of gametes . Asexual reproduction is the formation of offspring without the fusion of gametes. Sexual reproduction results in offspringgenetically different from the parents. Asexual offspring are genetically identical except for mutation. In higher plants, offspring are packaged in a protective seed, which can be long lived and can disperse the offspring some distance from the parents. In flowering plants (angiosperms), the seed itself is contained inside a fruit, which may protect the developing seeds and aid in their dispersal.

Reproduction In Plants 3756

Sexual Reproduction in Angiosperms: Ovule Formation

All plants have a life cycle that consists of two distinct forms that differ in size and the number of chromosomes per cell. In flowering plants,

A hibiscus flower, showing anthers, five stigmas, and pollen.
A hibiscus flower, showing anthers, five stigmas, and pollen.
large, familiar form that consists of roots, shoots, leaves, and reproductive structures (flowers and fruit) is diploid and is called the sporophyte. The sporophyte produces haploid microscopic gametophytes that are dependent on tissues produced by the flower. The reproductive cycle of a flowering plant is the regular, usually seasonal, cycling back and forth from sporophyte to gametophyte.
The flower produces two kinds of gametophytes, male and female. The female gametophyte arises from a cell within the ovule , a small structure within the ovary of the flower. The ovary is a larger structure within the flower that contains and protects usually many ovules. Flowering plants are unique in that their ovules are entirely enclosed in the ovary. The ovary itself is part of a larger structure called the carpel, which consists of the stigma, style, and ovary. Each ovule is attached to ovary tissue by a stalk called the funicle. The point of attachment of the funicle to the ovary is called the placenta.
As the flower develops from a bud, a cell within an ovule called the archespore enlarges to form an embryo-sac mother cell (EMC). The EMC divides by meiosis to produce four megaspores. In this process the number of chromosomes is reduced from two sets in the EMC to one set in the megaspores, making the megaspores haploid. Three of the four megaspores degenerate and disappear, while the fourth divides mitotically three times to produce eight haploid cells. These cells together constitute the female gametophyte, called the embryo sac.
The eight embryo sac cells differentiate into two synergids, three antipodal cells, two fused endosperm nuclei, and an egg cell. The mature embryo sac is situated at the outer opening (micropyle) of the ovule, ready to receive the sperm cells delivered by the male gametophyte.


The male gametophyte is the mature pollen grain. Pollen is produced in the anthers, which are attached at the distal end of filaments. The filament and anther together constitute the stamen, the male sex organ. Flowers usually produce many stamens just inside of the petals. As the flower matures, cells in the anther divide mitotically to produce pollen mother cells (PMC). The PMCs divide by meiosis to produce haploid microspores in groups of four called tetrads. The microspores are housed within a single layer of cells called the tapetum, which provides nutrition to the developing pollen grains.
Each microspore develops a hard, opaque outer layer called the exine, which is constructed from a lipoprotein called sporopollenin. The exine has characteristic pores, ridges, or projections that can often be used to identify a species, even in fossil pollen. The microspore divides mitotically once or twice to produce two or three haploid nuclei inside the mature pollen grain. Two of the nuclei function as sperm nuclei that can eventually fuse with the egg and endosperm nuclei of the embryo sac, producing an embryo and endosperm, respectively.
For sexual fusion to take place, however, the pollen grain must be transported to the stigma, which is a receptive platform on the top of the style, an elongated extension on top of the carpel(s). Here the moist surface or chemicals cause the pollen grain to germinate. Germination is the growth of a tube from the surface of a pollen grain. The tube is a sheath of pectin , inside of which is a solution of water, solutes , and the two or three nuclei, which lack any cell walls. Proper growth of the pollen tube requires an aqueous solution of appropriate solute concentration, as well as nutrients such as boron, which may aid in its synthesis of pectin.
At the apex of the tube are active ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum (types of cell organelles ) involved in protein synthesis. Pectinase and a glucanase (both enzymes that break down carbohydrates ) probably maintain flexibility of the growing tube and aid in penetration. The pollen tube apex also releases ribonucleic acid (RNA) and ribosomes into the tissues of the style. The tube grows to eventually reach the ovary, where it may travel along intercellular spaces until it reaches a placenta. Through chemical recognition, the pollen tube changes its direction of growth and penetrates through the placenta to the ovule. Here the tube reaches the embryo sac lying close to the micropyle, and sexual fertilization takes place.

Double Fertilization

Fertilization in flowering plants is unique among all known organisms, in that not one but two cells are fertilized, in a process called double fertilization. One sperm nucleus in the pollen tube fuses with the egg cell in the embryo sac, and the other sperm nucleus fuses with the diploid endosperm nucleus. The fertilized egg cell is azygote that develops into the diploid embryo of the sporophyte. The fertilized endosperm nucleus develops into the triploid endosperm, a nutritive tissue that sustains the embryo and seedling. The only other known plant group exhibiting double fertilization is the Gnetales in the genus Ephedra, a nonflowering seed plant. However, in this case the second fertilization product degenerates and does not develop into endosperm.
Double fertilization begins when the pollen tube grows into one of the two synergid cells in the embryo sac, possibly as a result of chemical attraction to calcium. After penetrating the synergid, the apex of the pollen tube breaks open, releasing the two sperm nuclei and other contents into the synergid. As the synergid degenerates, it envelops the egg and endosperm cells, holding the two sperm nuclei close and the other expelled contents of the pollen tube. The egg cell then opens and engulfs the sperm cell, whose membrane breaks apart and allows the nucleus to move near the egg nucleus. The nuclear envelopes then disintegrate, and the two nuclei combine to form the single diploid nucleus of the zygote. The other sperm cell fuses with the two endosperm nuclei, forming a single triploid cell, the primary endosperm cell, which divides mitotically into the endosperm tissue.
Double fertilization and the production of endosperm may have contributed to the great ecological success of flowering plants by accelerating the growth of seedlings and improving survival at this vulnerable stage. Faster seedling development may have given flowering plants the upper hand in competition with gymnosperm seedlings in some habitats, leading to the abundance of flowering plants in most temperate and tropical regions. Gymnosperms nevertheless are still dominant at higher elevations and latitudes, and at low elevations in the Pacific Northwest coniferous forests, such as the coastal redwoods. The reasons for these patterns are still controversial.

The Seed

The seed is the mature, fertilized ovule. After fertilization, the haploid cells of the embryo sac disintegrate. The maternally derived diploid cells of the ovule develop into the hard, water-resistant outer covering of the seed, called the testa, or seed coat. The diploid zygote develops into the embryo, and the triploid endosperm cells multiply and provide nutrition. The testa usually shows a scar called the hilum where the ovule was originally attached to the funicle. In some seeds a ridge along the testa called the raphe shows where the funicle originally was pressed against the ovule. The micropyle of the ovule usually survives as a small pore in the seed coat that allows passage of water during germination of the seed.
In some species, the funicle develops into a larger structure on the seed called an aril, which is often brightly colored, juicy, and contains sugars that are consumed by animals that may also disperse the seed (as in nutmeg, arrowroot, oxalis, and castor bean). This is distinct from the fruit, which forms from the ovary itself.
The embryo consists of the cotyledon(s) , epicotyl, and hypocotyl. The cotyledons resemble small leaves, and are usually the first photosynthetic organs of the plant. The portion of the embryo above the cotyledons is the epicotyl, and the portion below is the hypocotyl. The epicotyl is an apical meristem that produces the shoot of the growing plant and the first true leaves after germination. The hypocotyl develops into the root. Often the tip of the hypocotyl, the radicle, is the first indication of germination as it breaks out of the seed. Flowering plants are classified as monocotyledons or dicotyledons (most are now called eudicots ) based on the number of cotyledons produced in the embryo. Common monocotyledons include grasses, sedges, lilies, irises, and orchids; common dicotyledons include sunflowers, roses, legumes, snapdragons, and all nonconiferous trees.
The endosperm may be consumed by the embryo, as in many legumes, which use the cotyledons as a food source during germination. In other species the endosperm persists until germination, when it is used as a food
Anatomy of the reproductive organs in angiosperms.
Anatomy of the reproductive organs in angiosperms.
reserve. In grains such as corn and wheat, the outer layer of the endosperm consists of thick-walled cells called aleurone, which are high in protein.

The Fruit

The fruit of a flowering plant is the mature ovary. As seeds mature, the surrounding ovary wall forms a protective structure that may aid in dispersal. The surrounding ovary tissue is called the pericarp and consists of three layers. From the outside to inside, these layers are the exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. The exocarp is usually tough and skinlike. The mesocarp is often thick, succulent, and sweet. The endocarp, which surrounds the seeds, may be hard and stony, as in most species with fleshy fruit, such as apricots.
A fruit is termed simple if it is produced by a single ripened ovary in a single flower (apples, oranges, apricots). An aggregated fruit is a cluster of mature ovaries produced by a single flower (blackberries, raspberries, strawberries). A multiple fruit is a cluster of many ripened ovaries on separate flowers growing together in the sameinflorescence (pineapple, mulberry, fig). A simple fruit may be fleshy or dry. A fleshy simple fruit is classified as a berry (grape, tomato, papaya), pepo (cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin), hesperidium (orange), drupe (apricot), or pome (apple).
Dry simple fruits have a dry pericarp at maturity. They may or may not dehisce, or split, along a seam to release the seeds. A dehiscent dry fruit is classified as legume or pod (pea, bean), silique or silicle (mustard), capsule (poppy, lily), or follicle (milkweed, larkspur, columbine). An indehiscent dry fruit that does not split to release seeds is classified as an achene (sunflower, buttercup, sycamore), grain or caryopsis (grasses such as corn, wheat, rice, barley), schizocarp (carrot, celery, fennel), winged samara (maple, ash, elm), nut (acorn, chestnut, hazelnut), or utricle (duckweed family). Some fruiting bodies contain non-ovary tissue and are sometimes called pseudocarps. The sweet flesh of apples and pears, for example, is composed not of the pericarp but the receptacle, or upper portion, of the flowering shoot to which petals and other floral organs are attached.
Fruiting bodies of all kinds function to protect and disperse the seeds they contain. Protection can be physical (hard coverings) or chemical (repellents of seed predators). Sweet, fleshy fruits are attractive food for birds and mammals that consume seeds along with the fruit and pass the seeds intact in their fecal matter, which can act as a fertilizer. Dry fruits are usually adapted for wind dispersal of seeds, as for example with the assistance of winglike structures or a fluffy pappus that provides buoyancy. The diversity of fruiting bodies reflects in part the diversity of dispersal agents in the environment, which select for different fruit size, shape, and chemistry.

Pollination and Pollinators

Pollination is the movement of pollen from the stamens to the stigma, where germination and growth of the pollen tube occur. Most (approximately 96 percent) of all flowering plant species are hermaphroditic (possess both sexual functions within a plant, usually within every flower), and thus an individual can be pollinated by its own pollen or by pollen from another individual. Seed produced through self-pollination ("selfed" seed) is often inferior in growth, survival, and fecundity to seed produced through outcross pollination ("outcrossed" seed). As a result, in most species there is strong natural selection to maximize the proportion of outcrossed seed (the "outcrossing rate").
Flowering plants are unusual among seed plants in their superlative exploitation of animals (primarily insects) as agents of outcross pollination. The outcross pollination efficiency of insects, birds, and mammals (primarily bats) may have contributed to both the abundance and diversity of flowering plants. Abundance may have increased because of less wastage of energy and resources on unsuccessful pollen and ovules. Diversity may have increased for two reasons. First, insects undoubtedly have selected for a wide variety of floral forms that provide different rewards (pollen and nectar) and are attractive in appearance (color juxtaposition, size, shape) and scent (sweet, skunky) in different ways to different pollinators. Second, faithfulness of pollinators to particular familiar flowers may have reduced hybridization and speeded evolutionary divergence and the production of new species.
Although flowering plants first appeared after most of the major groups of insects had already evolved, flowering plants probably caused the evolution of many new species within these groups. Some new insect groups, such as bees and butterflies, originated after flowering plants, their members developing mouthpart structures and behavior specialized for pollination. In extreme cases, a plant is completely dependent on one insect species for pollination, and the insect is completely dependent on one plant species for food. Such tight interdependency occurs rarely but is well documented in yuccas/yucca moths, senita cacti/senita moths, and fig trees/some fig wasps. In all three insects, females lay eggs in the flowers, and their young hatch later to feed on the mature fruit and its contents. Females ensure that the fruit develops by gathering pollen from another plant and transporting it to the stigma of the flower holding their eggs. Plants benefit greatly in outcrossed seed produced, at the small cost of some consumed fruit and seeds, and the insects benefit greatly from the food supply for developing larvae at the small cost of transporting pollen the short distances between plants.
Pollinating agents, whether biotic or abiotic , have exerted strong selection on all aspects of the flower, resulting in the evolution of tremendous floral diversity. This diversity has been distilled into a small number of characteristic pollination syndromes.
Pollination by beetles selects usually for white color, a strong fruity scent, and a shallow, bowl-shaped flower. Bees select for yellow or blue/purple colorings, a landing platform with color patterns that guide the bee to nectar (often reflecting in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum), bilateral symmetry, and a sweet scent. Butterflies select for many colors other than yellow, a corolla (petal) tube with nectar at the base, and the absence of any scent. Moths in contrast select for nocturnally opening flowers with a strong scent and drab or white color, and also a tube with nectar at the base. Bats select also for nocturnally opening flowers, but with a strong musky scent and copious nectar, positioned well outside the foliage for easy access, and drab or white color. Hummingbirds select for red or orange flowers with no scent, copious nectar production, and a corolla tube with nectar at the base. Other pollinating birds that do not hover while feeding select for strong perches and flowers capable of containing copious nectar (tubes, funnels, cup shapes).

Some insect groups, such as bees, originated after flowering plants, their members developing mouthpart structures and behavior specialized for pollination.
Some insect groups, such as bees, originated after flowering plants, their members developing mouthpart structures and behavior specialized for pollination.

Wind as a pollinating agent selects for lack of color, scent, and nectar; small corolla; a large stigmatic surface area (usually feathery); abundantly produced, buoyant pollen; and usually erect styles and limp, hanging stamens. In addition there is great floral diversity within any of these syndromes, arising from the diverse evolutionary histories of the member plant species.

Selfing and Outcrossing

Most flowering plant species reproduce primarily by outcrossing, including the great majority of trees, shrubs, and perennial herbs. Adaptations that prevent self-fertilization include self-incompatibility (genetic recognition and blocking of self-pollen) and dioecy (separate male and female individuals). Adaptations that reduce the chances of self-pollination in hermaphrodites include separation of the anthers and stigma in space (herkogamy) or time (dichogamy). In many species, both self-incompatibility and spatiotemporal separation of the sex organs occur.
The ability to produce seeds by selfing, however, is advantageous in situations where outcrossing pollination is difficult or impossible. These include harsh environments where pollinators are rare or unpredictable, and regularly disturbed ground where survivors often end up isolated from each other. Selfing is also cheaper than outcrossing, because selfers can become pollinated without assistance from animals and therefore need not produce large, attractive flowers with abundant nectar and pollen rewards.
Most primarily selfing species are small annuals in variable or disturbed habitats, with small, drab flowers. Most desert annuals and roadside weeds, for example, are selfers. The evolutionary transition from outcrossing to near-complete selfing has occurred many times in flowering plants.
Outcrossing and selfing species differ in their evolutionary potential. Outcrossers are generally more genetically diverse and produce lineages that persist over long periods of evolutionary time, during which many new species are formed. Selfers, however, are less genetically diverse and tend to accumulate harmful mutations. They typically go extinct before they have an opportunity to evolve new species.

Asexual Reproduction

The ability to produce new individuals asexually is common in plants. Under appropriate experimental conditions, nearly every cell of a flowering plant is capable of regenerating the entire plant. In nature, new plants may be regenerated from leaves, stems, or roots that receive an appropriate stimulus and become separated from the parent plant. In most cases, these new plants arise from undifferentiated parenchyma cells, which develop into buds that produce roots and shoots before or after separating from the parent.
New plants can be produced from aboveground or belowground horizontal runners (stolons of strawberries, rhizomes of many grasses), tubers (potato, Jerusalem artichoke, dahlia), bulbs (onion, garlic), corms (crocus, gladiola), bulbils on the shoot (lily, many grasses), parenchyma cells in the leaves (Kalanchoe, African violet, jade plant) and inflorescence (arrowhead). Vegetative propagation is an economically important means of replicating valuable agricultural plants, through cuttings, layering, and grafting . Vegetative reproduction is especially common in aquatic vascular plants (for example, surfgrass and eelgrass), from which fragments can break off, disperse in the current, and develop into new whole plants.
A minority of flowering plants can produce seeds without the fusion of egg and sperm (known as parthenocarpy or agamospermy). This occurs when meiosis in the ovule is interrupted, and a diploid egg cell is produced, which functions as a zygote without fertilization. Familiar examples include citrus, dandelion, hawkweed, buttercup, blackberry/raspberry, and sorbus. Agamospermous species are more common at high elevations and at high latitudes, and nearly all have experienced a doubling of their chromosome number (tetraploidy) in their recent evolutionary history. These species experience evolutionary advantages and disadvantages similar to those of selfers.

Evolutionary Significance of Plant Reproduction Strategies

The attractive, colorful, and unique features of the most abundant and diverse group of land plants—the flowering plants—are believed to have evolved primarily to maximize the efficiency and speed of outcross reproduction. Each major burst of angiosperm evolution was a coevolutionary episode with associated animals, primarily insects, which were exploited to disperse pollen and seeds in ever more efficient and diverse ways.
The first major burst of flowering plant evolution was the appearance of the closed carpel together with showy flowers that were radially symmetrical . The closed carpel prevented self-fertilization through recognition and blocking of self pollen within the specialized conducting tissue of the style. Insects attracted to the showy flowers carried pollen between plants less wastefully than wind, and the radial symmetry accommodated insects of many sizes and shapes.
The second major burst was the appearance of bilaterally symmetrical flowers, which happened independently in many groups of plants at the same time that bees evolved. Bilateral symmetry forced bees to enter and exit flowers more precisely, promoting even more efficient outcross pollen transfer.
The third major burst of flowering plant evolution was the appearance of nutritious, fleshy fruits and seeds, coincident with a diversification of birds and rodents. The exploitation of vertebrates for fruit and seed dispersal resulted in less haphazard transport of offspring to neighboring populations of the same species (also visited as a food source), thereby reducing the chances that progeny inbreed with their siblings and parents and providing more assurance than wind currents that they find good habitat and unrelated mating partners of the same species.

Thursday, 27 November 2014


today my topic of discussion is the plant anatomy, that which things are present inside the plant cell and it has its own functions.
Plant Cell Anatomy

The cell is the basic unit of life. Plant cells (unlike animal cells) are surrounded by a thick, rigid cell wall.

Plant cell anatomy

The following is a glossary of plant cell anatomy terms.
amyloplast - an organelle in some plant cells that stores starch. Amyloplasts are found in starchy plants like tubers and fruits.
ATP - ATP is short for adenosine triphosphate; it is a high-energy molecule used for energy storage by organisms. In plant cells, ATP is produced in the cristae of mitochondria and chloroplasts.
cell membrane - the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell, but is inside the cell wall. The cell membrane is semipermeable, allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.
cell wall - a thick, rigid membrane that surrounds a plant cell. This layer of cellulose fiber gives the cell most of its support and structure. The cell wall also bonds with other cell walls to form the structure of the plant.
centrosome - (also called the "microtubule organizing center") a small body located near the nucleus - it has a dense center and radiating tubules. The centrosomes is where microtubules are made. During cell division (mitosis), the centrosome divides and the two parts move to opposite sides of the dividing cell. Unlike the centrosomes in animal cells, plant cell centrosomes do not have centrioles.
chlorophyll - chlorophyll is a molecule that can use light energy from sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide gas into sugar and oxygen (this process is called photosynthesis). Chlorophyll is magnesium based and is usually green.
chloroplast - an elongated or disc-shaped organelle containing chlorophyll. Photosynthesis (in which energy from sunlight is converted into chemical energy - food) takes place in the chloroplasts.
christae - (singular crista) the multiply-folded inner membrane of a cell's mitochondrion that are finger-like projections. The walls of the cristae are the site of the cell's energy production (it is where ATP is generated).
cytoplasm - the jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located.
Golgi body - (also called the golgi apparatus or golgi complex) a flattened, layered, sac-like organelle that looks like a stack of pancakes and is located near the nucleus. The golgi body packages proteins and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell.
granum - (plural grana) A stack of thylakoid disks within the chloroplast is called a granum.
mitochondrion - spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double membrane. The inner membrane is infolded many times, forming a series of projections (called cristae). The mitochondrion converts the energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for the cell.
nuclear membrane - the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
nucleolus - an organelle within the nucleus - it is where ribosomal RNA is produced.
nucleus - spherical body containing many organelles, including the nucleolus. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by controlling protein synthesis) and contains DNA (in chromosomes). The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane
photosynthesis - a process in which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into food energy (sugars and starches), oxygen and water. Chlorophyll or closely-related pigments (substances that color the plant) are essential to the photosynthetic process.
ribosome - small organelles composed of RNA-rich cytoplasmic granules that are sites of protein synthesis.
rough endoplasmic reticulum - (rough ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). Rough ER is covered with ribosomes that give it a rough appearance. Rough ER transport materials through the cell and produces proteins in sacks called cisternae (which are sent to the Golgi body, or inserted into the cell membrane).
smooth endoplasmic reticulum - (smooth ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted tubes that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). The space within the ER is called the ER lumen. Smooth ER transport materials through the cell. It contains enzymes and produces and digests lipids (fats) and membrane proteins; smooth ER buds off from rough ER, moving the newly-made proteins and lipids to the Golgi body and membranes
stroma - part of the chloroplasts in plant cells, located within the inner membrane of chloroplasts, between the grana.
thylakoid disk - thylakoid disks are disk-shaped membrane structures in chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. Chloroplasts are made up of stacks of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks is called a granum. Photosynthesis (the production of ATP molecules from sunlight) takes place on thylakoid disks.
vacuole - a large, membrane-bound space within a plant cell that is filled with fluid. Most plant cells have a single vacuole that takes up much of the cell. It helps maintain the shape of the cell.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

                                                 HELLO GUYS!!!!!!!!
                         I KNOW ALL OF YOU ARE FINE AND ITS GOOD!
Lets start our work.

You know all of the things present in the earth is mysterious and need to study them. Plants are one of them.
We study plants on two ways:-

  1. Morphology of plant
  2. Anatomy of plants                                                                                              

                                            Morphology of plant
The study of the form or shape of an organism or part thereof. basically it is the physical appearance organisms. In the case of plants it include:-

  • shape of leaf
  • root size
  • Plant height
  • Leaf colour and area
  • Root number and length
  • Inflorescence type and size
  • Ligule shape
  • Leaf pubescence
                                               Anatomy of plant
Plant anatomy or phytotomy is the general term for the study of the internal structure of plants
Plant anatomy is now frequently investigated at the cellular level, and often involves the sectioning of tissues and microscopy.

Anatomical characteristics
  1. Root anatomy
    1. Root area
    2. Root hairs
    3. Dermal tissue
    4. Ground tissue
    5. Mechanical tissue
    6. Vascular tissue
  2. Stem anatomy
    1. Stem area
    2. Dermal tissue
    3. Ground tissue
    4. Mechanical tissue
    5. Vascular tissue
    6. Hairs/trichomes
  3. Leaf blade anatomy
    1. Leaf thickness
    2. Dermal tissue
    3. Ground tissue
    4. Mechanical tissue
    5. Vascular tissue
    6. Hairs/trichomes
    7. Stomata
  4. Leaf sheath anatomy
    1. Sheath thickness
    2. Dermal tissue
    3. Ground tissue
    4. Mechanical tissue
    5. Vascular tissue 
    6. Hairs/trichomes

Saturday, 15 November 2014


                                                                 HEY GUYS!!
                                                   HOW ARE YOU MY FRIENDS?
                                       I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK ON MY BLOG!!

last time i'll tell you about the terminologies related to leaf now i m going to tell you some minute information about flower.

The flower is the most beautiful part of the plant. To study the parts of the flower, I’m using a  some terms. i hope you also like the flowers. look at the picture is it beautiful??  

Sepal: each of the parts of the calyx [see next definition] of a flower, enclosing the petals and typically green and leaflike.
Sepals are usually coarser than petals, which are usually soft and velvety.
you are seeing this green portion this is sepal.
Calyx: the sepals of a flower, typically forming a whorl that encloses the petals and forms a protective layer around a flower in bud.
Notice how these two definitions depend on each other. I still haven’t decided if it’s easier to think of a calyx as a group of sepals or to think of a sepal as a unit of the calyx. At any rate, the function of the calyx does seem to protect the petals and remaining parts of the flower when it is in bud. So when you see flower buds, you’re usually seeing the calyx.
Petal: each of the segments of the corolla [see next definition] of a flower, which are modified leaves and are typically colored.
When most of us think about flowers, it’s the showy petals we think of.
Corolla: the petals of a flower, typically forming a whorl within the sepals and enclosing the reproductive organs.
Again, notice how these two definitions depend on each other. Petals make up the corolla and the corolla consists of petals.
Stamen: the male fertilizing organ of a flower, typically consisting of a pollen-containing anther and a filament.
If you continue thinking of concentric rings, the next ring is that of the male reproductive parts. Most flowers have six or more stamens arranged in a ring around the female reproductive part. For now, if you remember that the anther contains the pollen and the filament supports the anther, that’s fine. For our basic plant identification, the term we’ll use most often, however, is stamen for the entire male part.

Pistil: the female organs of a flower, comprising the stigma, style, and ovary.
The innermost part of the flower is the female reproductive part. It is not a ring, but a solitary structure called the pistil. The stigma is like a mouth that takes in the pollen. The style is like a throat that carries the pollen down to the ovary, where the pollen fertilizes the eggs, or ovules. For basic plant identification, remember pistil for the entire female part.
 Inflorescence: a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. A flower that is not part of an inflorescence is called a solitary flower.
The “typical” flower that we looked at, and the illustration of the flower showing its sepals and petals, were solitary flowers. But many, many flowers occur in clusters called inflorescences. We won’t go into the different types of inflorescences just now. To give you an idea of what’s coming, though. They are, from left to right.

At the end i want to say that always always respect others, bless and stay blessed. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

 Botanical terms of leaves:-   

Now you should know the terminologies related to leaves.
Blade: the broad thin part of a leaf apart from the stalk [the blade may be called a "lamina" in many 
The part that I always (or used to) think of as a leaf is actually just one part of the leaf. I’m only defining two parts of the leaf – the blade and the petiole – in this exercise, but in the image below, you’ll see in smaller-sized text three other terms you may want to remember: apex = the tip of the blade; base = the end of the blade opposite the apex; margin = edge of the blade.
The blade, of course, is where most of the photosynthesis of the plant takes place. The petiole, besides being a way to keep the blade attached to the stem, carries nutrients and water to the blade. In the illustration below, the midvein, the major conduit to smaller veins that are distributed throughout the blade, is conspicuous. Veins deliver nutrients and water to every part of the blade and carry the products of photosynthesis back to the petiole to be delivered to other parts of the plant.
A broad leaf

 Petiole: the stalk that joins a leaf to a stem; leafstalk.
The word comes from the Latin petiolus, which means “little foot.” The petiole is the foot of the leaf, then, and the foot steps firmly on the stem.
Leaf Types
 Simple: not divided or branched.
The thing to keep in mind, now, is that, by tradition, a leaf is attached to a stem. Each leaf is attached to a stem. Look at the next two illustrations closely.

On the left is a simple leaf. On the right it looks like you have three leaves attached to the stem. (Where on the stem, by the way, is the leaf attached? That’s right – at the node.) What we have on the right, though is an example of compound, or branched, leaves. We have one petiole, in this instance, and three leaflets. These leaflets look like blades, but they are really one blade subdivided into three parts.
Compound: consisting of two or more simple parts or individuals in combination.
Compound leaves may look like the illustration on the right, above, or they may look more like the leaves of a fern. The blades of a compound leaf are fully subdivided into leaflets. The Bean (or Pea) family has many examples of compound leaves. Take a look the next time you see a living bean or pea plant and see whether you can recognize the petiole and the subdivided blades.

Leaf Arrangements
 Alternate: placed alternately on the two sides of the stem.
In an alternate arrangement, there will be only one leaf per node. In the illustration below, the even-numbered leaves are on the left and the odd-numbered leaves are on the right side of the stem
 Opposite: arising in opposed pairs, one on each side of the stem.
In an opposite arrangement, there are two leaves per node. In the illustration below, both leaves 1 and 2 arise from the same node.
 Whorled: a set of leaves, flowers, or branches springing from the stem at the same level and encircling it.
In a whorled arrangement, there are 3 or more leaves per node. In the illustration below, 4 leaves arise from the same node.
 Spiral: winding in a continuous and gradually widening (or tightening) curve, either around a central point on a flat plane or about an axis so as to form a cone.

In a spiral arrangement, we are back to 1 leaf per node. In the illustration below, the leaves corkscrew around the stem.

                                        Hay friends!!

Botanical terms need to know:-    
there are many terms of botany(study of plants) that you should need to know.
let started from stem-
1. Node: the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge, often forming a slight swelling or knob.
Why is it necessary to give this part of the stem a special name? Beyond the biological reason that there must be something special happening there in order for a leaf to “know” it must grow from this point, there is the convenience for us when we try to describe how leaves are arranged along a stem, which you will see when we look at leaf arrangement.

2. Internode: the part of a plant stem between two of the nodes from which leaves emerge.
I rarely use or see this term when trying to identify a plant, but it follows so logically from the definition of node that I thought it worthwhile to mention.
3. Bud: an undeveloped or embryonic shoot and normally occurs in the axil of a leaf or at the tip of the stem. (definition from wikipedia)
You’re probably already familiar with buds. In the illustration below, the bud is occurring in the “axil” of the leaf, which is the upper angle between the leaf stalk and the stem. Recognizing buds is important under two circumstances when trying to identify plants. 1) When you need to distinguish a bud from a “stipule” (the next term), and 2) When you need to determine whether a leaf is “simple” or “compound” (coming up!).

4. Stipule: a small leaflike appendage to a leaf, typically borne in pairs at the base of the leaf stalk.
The stipules shown here are more or less snug up against the stem and the leaf stalk (you may wish to click on the images to enlarge them and see the stipules more clearly). Stipules come in wildly varying forms, and not every plant even has stipules. They are good aids to identification, though, so look closely for them whenever you examine a new plant.